Pastor Hiram & First Lady Angela McBurrows
Mission Statement
Our mission as a Woman’s Ministry is to proclaim the Gospel of Jesus Christ…
- Through training
- Through reaching out to women in word and deed
- Through loving and supporting one another by instruction through Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior
…so that together we will grow in the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ, in the love of God, and in the fellowship of the holy Spirit.
Our Vision
A vision of finishing the work God has called the last day Church to do. Jesus said, :My mission is to do the will of the Father that sent me and to finish His work. Let this mind be in you which was also in Christ Jesus.” Christ commission to the church was to go into the highway and hedge; to compel them to come that His house may be full. It is our vision to reach the lost at any cost. Therefore, we, the women of Romulus Community Baptist Church, pledge ourselves to…
- Prayer
- Fasting
- Witnessing
- Bible Study
- Church Attendance
- Praise and Worship
- Tithing and giving of offerings
…to support and build the HOUSE OF GOD.