We believe that Christian baptism is the immersion in water of a believer, in the name of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Ghost; to show forth, in a solemn and beautiful emblem, our faith in the crucified, buried and risen Savior with its effect in our death to sin and resurrection to a new life.

Baptism at RCBC
Baptism takes place on the First Sunday of the month at RCBC.
After Altar Call, candidates are baptized in the church pool.
Having been baptized, they are now eligible to receive the Lords Supper which is the next order of service on First Sunday.
RCBC shall receive for Baptism any person who has received Jesus Christ as Savior by personal faith, who professes Him publicly at any worship service and who indicated a commitment to follow Christ as Lord.
Baptism is performed by immersion in water.
The Pastor shall counsel a person who professes Christ and is not baptized after a reasonable length of time. If negative interest is ascertained on the part of the candidate, the individual shall be removed from the list of candidates awaiting Baptism

Baptism Procedure
- The Church Clerk shall provide all information concerning potential Baptism candidates.
- The Church Secretary shall prepare the certificate of Baptism for the Pastor to sign.
- The Deacons shall contact candidates no later than three days prior to the First Sunday to counsel them and explain the process. In addition, the Deacons shall assist in and make preparations for and observance of the baptism service
- Mothers/Deaconesses shall prepare Baptismal candidates for baptism and maintain baptism supplies.
- Pastor shall select a minister to administer Baptism.
Candidate For Baptism
*If you wish to become a candidate for Baptism, please contact our Pastor, Hiram McBurrows.
You can also present yourself at altar call which takes place every Sunday after the Pastors sermon.
An examination by the Pastor will take place where you will be asked questions to profess your faith and whether you are willing to be ruled by the Holy Bible which is the word of God.
This examination will be confirmed by one of the Deacons. They will proclaim that after Baptism, New Members Class and the Right Hand of Fellowship, “You will have all rights and privileges of every other member.”